Storytelling Events
You are invited to hear and participate in a story.
The story I will share with you is an ancient one that offers a mirror into our own psyche, our shadows and the mysteries of what it means to be human.
A story is a banquet, an offering, a medicine, a teaching, and hopefully an inspiration to you all. I’ve been feasting on this particular story for ages and continue to digest. It may have something to offer you.
A well delivered story is an art form that is resurfacing in our chaotic times.
Hopefully this ancient story will speak to you in magical ways.
I’ll be telling this story with occasional breaks so that all may participate through your reactions and interactions. This story can be a village creating event. Let’s see together what wants to unfold.
If you choose to participate, I ask that you stay through the whole performance and contribute when appropriate.
In order to reach as many as possible this story will be shared via zoom with the hope that in the future we can meet in person and share more story banquets together.