808-419-8200 edfell3@gmail.com
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University on Wheels

For a couple of months the phrase from David Whyte’s poem keeps coming to the surface of my busy mind…’leave everything your know behind.’ As I prepare to leave Maui to embark on this next phase of my life, I don’t know what is ahead. I...

Path to Mastery Coaching Questionnaire

Before we work together, let me get to know you.  Inspire me with your transparency and truth.  The invitation is to deepen into your truth. These questions will set the stage for the work that is before you. Instructions: Do not read ahead to all the questions. Go...

The Intelligence of Pleasure

Our bodies are so incredibly intelligent.   Let me say that again…our bodies are incredibly intelligent. Like a young child’s mind, they are hungry for stimulation that is creative and entertaining. In physical lovemaking, we often ignore much of the body but all of...

Launchings and Landings: A couples’ practice

To maintain a steady growth in your relating, I suggest that as a couple you create a simple ritual to do twice daily. Upon awakening (launching) and before falling asleep (landing), create some connecting time. Gazing in each others eyes, the belly to belly...

Grow up! Show up! Man up!

Secrets to Satisfying Sex (For men only) Whether single or coupled, or whatever your relationship path is, these tips will almost guarantee more sex satisfaction in your life. If single, this is how you will potentially attract a partner; and if coupled, this is how...