ccertifiedWho is Ed Fell?
Ed Fell, Psychotherapist & Coach
You will read below of Ed’s accomplishments, degrees, certifications and labels. Ed is more than his resume. Ed’s desire is to be your ALLY or Mentor. Your ‘Professional Ally’ and Mentor. He wants you to know that you and he are on a mutual journey to become more human.
With that said, Ed Fell is a seeker, inner explorer, teacher, story teller, Elder, spiritual guide, shadow work guide, Life and Relationship Coach.certified Sacred Sexuality coach and servant of Truth and Love. He received his Masters of Science degree from Villanova University in 1987. Since then he has studied with numerous mentors and teachers in a variety of areas of human evolution.
For over three decades, he has provided safe containers for individuals, couples and groups to explore their shadows as well as their brilliance. He has traveled the world with his offerings as a Certified Leader and Certified Leader Trainer with the Mankind Project; Certified Sacred Relating and Sexuality Educator; Gender Healing Facilitator; architect of Deep Process Facilitation and Beginning through Advanced Leadership and Coaching.
Accomplishments and Contributions:
B.A. Psychology from West Chester University
M.S. Masters of Science in Counseling and Human Relations, Villanova University
Mankind Project International: Serve as shadow watcher and facilitator
Vision Quests as a participant and later a guide
Neo and Classical Psychodrama for 3 years
Gestalt Group Training from Villanova University
Employee Assistance Program founder and counselor
Hospice Training and Death Doula
Sacred Sexual and Tantric education through several traditions and lineages
Certified Leader and Leader Trainer with the Mankind Project
Mentor for scores of upcoming leaders and teachers
Numerous Diversity and Multi-cultural Trainings as participant and facilitator
Successful Coaching Private practice since 1986
Developed and lead scores of self-growth workshops on a variety of topics
Volunteer for the dying through Doorway Into Light, a service on Maui
Trained Matrix Leadership Institute facilitator (Boulder, Colorado)
Volunteer Leader Emeritus for the Mankind Project
Story Teller
Dr. Jonathan Cohen, PhD.
Clinical Psychologist